Conversational AI

Understand your customers better

- without asking

Conversational AI

Maximize the value of your customer contacts with conversational AI

Indicate me’s qualitative solution for speech to text helps you maximize the value of your customer interactions. With our technology, you can gain valuable and comprehensive insights from thousands, even millions, of customer conversations!

Our speech to text technology helps you convert speech into text and analyze its contents. Make quick and informed decisions and get the tools you need to take control of your improvement opportunities.

✓ Automatically understand and categorize the topics customers contact you about.

✓ Gain insights into how your customers feel through automatic sentiment analysis.

✓ Enhance customer experiences by using AI to identify the best expressions and select conversations for coaching through automation.

✓ Identify processes that can be simplified for both customers and internal purposes.

Powerful cross-analysis

We have the market’s broadest range of products within customer service and gather all key metrics.

GDPR compliant with high IT security

Storage in Sweden and smart streaming. Obtain valuable and in-depth insights from a large volume of customer interaction.

High-quality transcriptions

The quality of the texts and numbers are written correctly. This enables accurate analysis and anonymization.

Deeper insights in customer service

Understand why your customers are reaching out and how they feel about different factors to gain valuable insights.


Conversational AI

What do your customers want?

Understanding why customers contact your business is crucial for improving the customer experience. With text and speech analysis, you gain insights into what really lies behind your customers’ questions.

Move from manual categorisation to automation

Many customer service departments manually log and categorise cases, which is both time-consuming and not directly value-adding for the customer. With the help of AI, this process can be automated. The advantage of AI is that a case containing multiple topics can be categorised into several categories, something that manual processes cannot easily achieve.

Additionally, human errors are eliminated, and 100% of interactions are grouped, improving both efficiency and allowing employees to focus on more value-adding activities.

AI-generated categorisation

Most automatic categorisation services are based on synonyms, where words like ”invoice” are automatically placed under ”payment.” These systems can be limiting and time-consuming, as companies need to define synonyms and anticipate which words the customer will use.

At Indicate me, we don’t rely on synonyms. Our AI is smart enough to automatically understand which category an interaction belongs to. You set and control the main and subcategories, and our AI takes care of the rest.

Trackers – Keep track of important events

With text and speech analysis, you can implement ”trackers” that automatically monitor specific events during customer interactions. These trackers can be used to track knowledge gaps, mentions of discount codes, or competitors, for example.

Automatic Summaries

Our advanced AI technology is your ultimate tool for streamlining customer service analysis. With automatic summaries, we simplify the process of understanding your customer interactions. Instead of reviewing each conversation in detail, our system quickly provides you with an overview of their content. This allows you to identify patterns and trends without spending hours listening to or reading through an entire interaction. As a result, you can swiftly gain insights into what conversations with different ratings are really about.

Understand your customers better

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is a powerful tool that can help you understand your customers better. By using advanced algorithms and natural language processing, sentiment analysis can quickly and efficiently analyse large amounts of data. This provides you with insights into what your customers are more or less satisfied with, helping you to improve your products and services. Additionally, sentiment analysis can help you identify and address any issues or dissatisfaction in a timely manner.

One of the greatest advantages of sentiment analysis is that it provides a 100% response rate. Another benefit is that it can offer insights into how satisfaction evolves during a conversation. By analysing how positive, neutral, or negative each section is, you can observe how satisfaction changes and develops throughout the interaction. These insights can help you better understand your customers and develop more effective strategies to increase customer satisfaction.

Examples of insights:

  • Does satisfaction vary between different types of cases?
  • How does sentiment correlate with the customer’s own rating (NPS) and open-ended comments?
  • Is there any connection between response times, call transfers, categories, and sentiment?

Predictive Customer Satisfaction

Over many years, we have collected millions of responses from customer surveys. To avoid overburdening customers with too many surveys, questionnaires are usually sent to a limited sample. Imagine 100 customers contact customer service, but only 20 receive a survey, and of those, only 20% respond, meaning you only get 4 responses. We believe these 4% do not provide a sufficiently representative view of overall customer satisfaction.

That’s why we have developed a predictive model for customer satisfaction, based on machine learning and our extensive data from previous surveys. The model predicts what rating a customer would likely have given if they had received a survey. These predictive results can then be compared with actual survey responses to provide a more complete and reliable picture of your customer satisfaction. This means you can gain deeper insights into your customers’ experiences, even when survey participation is low.

Accurate Search Functionality

When calls are converted to text and text-based interactions become accessible, all your customer interactions become searchable. With our precise search functionality, you can easily find valuable interactions and gain insights.

Examples of insights:

  • Why are customers cancelling their service?
  • In which customer interactions do your employees omit specific words or phrases such as ”Welcome”?
  • How do you express yourselves regarding different offers?

These insights can be used to optimise processes, improve the customer experience, and assist you in making decisions about campaigns and offers.

Create incredible customer experiences and let AI simplify your daily tasks

Library of excellent examples

By allowing AI to find the best expressions that have a positive impact on customers, you save time and make the team leader’s job easier. Choosing words and phrases that are both positive and easy to understand creates a good experience for the customer, which in the long run can increase customer satisfaction and strengthen your brand.

At Indicate me, you have the opportunity to create a library of excellent examples to inspire your employees. By sharing best practices and providing feedback on what works well, you can create a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Another option is to use AI Buddy, the digital coach, to automatically coach your employees.

Expected effects of our text and speech analysis:

  • Identify processes to simplify for both customers and internal teams
  • Reduce case handling time
  • Decrease case volume
  • Save time for leaders and Quality Assurance
  • Less time spent on manual categorisation


Benefits of the tool

How do your customers feel?
Automatic sentiment analysis that provides insights into your customers’ emotions.

Deeper understanding
Cross-analyze sentiment with other key metrics such as actual customer satisfaction (CSAT) or perceived response time.

Create amazing customer experiences
Let AI find your best expressions and select calls for coaching.

Positive energy in customer service
Agents receive positive updates automatically in the livefeed.

Find your way in the gold mine of insights
Search freely for words and phrases that a conversation should or should not contain.

Save resources, time, and money
Identify processes to simplify for both customers and internal operations.


More tools for customer service

Increased customer satisfaction

A service for quality assurance and better insights into your customer experiences.

Optimization of time

With our features, you’ll have complete control over where time is spent in customer service.


Are you ready to discover Indicate me?

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