Improved insights

Pay attention to what

needs attention


Tools for gaining improved insights into customer service

Indicate me’s tools for improved insights into customer service provide you with a comprehensive overview in just a few minutes. It is easy to identify your areas for improvement and quickly find crucial key performance indicators. Making your own data-driven business analyses has never been easier.

You shouldn’t have to be an analyst or an Excel guru to be able to see correlations. All data collected through Indicate me can be linked to a case, an agent, or a team. This gives you great opportunities to find the causes of any deviations from set goals.

Important analyses

By gathering all data in one place, you can find root causes of problems.

Under constant development

New features are constantly being developed, which you get to take part of in the tool.


Visualizes insights of interest to the entire company at different levels.

Overall picture in a few minutes

Perform quick analyses with just a few clicks and turn data into insights in a few minutes.


Improved insights into customer service

A simple overview that enables proactive service

With Indicate me, you get a simple and easy-to-understand overview of why customers contact you through different channels and queues. By receiving this insight, you can quickly act and start working proactively to minimize unnecessary contacts.

Here, you can also follow trends over time, incidents over a day, or which interactions you can refer to self-service as a first step.

The ability to see the reasons why customers contact your customer service makes it easier to understand what customers experience as difficult, regardless of which channel customers choose to contact customer service.

Cross-analysis for deeper insights

All data in Indicate me can easily be linked to a customer interaction, organizational level, and competence area. This makes it possible to compare and cross-analyze all key figures in the dashboard, which contributes with insights in many different areas. For example:

    • Competence per case category – Does the team or a specific person need training?
    • Interaction time per case category – Can a process be streamlined to reduce call time? Which process should be prioritized?
    • Approach per case category – Does the quality vary per case category or agent?
    • Customer satisfaction and resolution rate – Are there correlations between resolution rate and customer satisfaction index?
    • Wrap-up time – Which cases drive wrap-up time? What can be streamlined or automated?

We also link the analysis to streamed interactions, so that you can easily understand the customer’s perspective. It is often very powerful to have the customer’s voice with you when you bring insights forward in the organization.

”With Indicate me, we know what types of issues are coming into customer service, and we can immediately see what we can improve.”


Benefits of the tool

Save time and get a complete overview
Get a comprehensive view of your business in just a few minutes.

Find correlations
All data is linked to a case, agent, and team. You can also connect different key performance indicators to each other.

Work proactively
Detect deviations and minimize unnecessary contacts.

Simple overview
Get an overview of why customers contact customer service.

Working with soft values
Stream interactions within the tool, read conversations and comments to gain deeper insights.

Elevate the status of customer service internally
Visualize insights that are valuable for the entire company.


Improved insights

How to align your customer service?

  • What should you do to get all agents to work towards the same goal? Especially if you have a large customer service with many team leaders.
  • How do you avoid scattered work methods?

In this video, Lina Bjelkmar, CEO of Indicate me, shares 5 tips. Hear her thoughts in the video!


More tools for customer service

Increased customer satisfaction

A service for quality assurance and better insights into your customer experiences.

Optimization of time

With our features, you’ll have complete control over where time is spent in customer service.


Are you ready to discover Indicate me?

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