Increased customer satisfaction

Increased customer satisfaction

with Indicate me


Tools to increase customer satisfaction

Increase customer satisfaction and work with quality assurance in a smart way! With our tool, you and your agents get complete support to improve the quality of your customer service, both internally and towards your customers.

Our tool has unique features that enable you to identify your strengths and areas for improvement. With user-friendliness and engagement in focus, you will gain valuable insights with just a few clicks.

The features are constantly being developed by our own developers to meet both the market’s and our customers’ demands.

The service is web-based, which gives you the opportunity to work with quality assurance regardless of time and place.


Web-based service with access regardless of location or time.

Continuous development

We are constantly developing our tool, with updates included in the service.


Visualizes insights that are of interest and valuable to the entire company.

Customer satisfaction

Identify your areas for improvement and act on the insights.


What features do we offer for increased customer satisfaction?

Customer Surveys

We conduct customer surveys via phone, SMS, email, and chat. In the surveys, you have the opportunity to ask different questions to your customers, such as about their treatment and knowledge level. This then leads to a total NPS (Net Promoter Score) rating. There is also the possibility to measure customer loyalty through NPS (Net Promoter Score):

”How likely are you to recommend the company to a friend or colleague?”

Another alternative for measuring customer loyalty is through CES (Customer Effort Score), which is a key metric that customer service has a higher degree of impact on:

”How easy was it for you to resolve your issue?”

In all our customer surveys, you have the opportunity to obtain qualitative and soft values, where the customer can leave a free comment in the form of a voice message or free text depending on the channel.

Quality assurance

Quality assurance doesn’t end there, we have only scratched the surface of what our customers think about our service. With Indicate me, you can easily sort all your interactions based on, for example, NPS ratings and listen to recorded calls or read conversations. This way, you can easily highlight great calls or listen to a call that received a low rating to identify areas for improvement.

Coaching and AI Coaching

We also offer a coaching feature where you can coach on all interactions and build forms tailored to your business. These forms can, for example, include what employees should say at the beginning of interactions, such as ”Welcome,” whether the employee is leading the conversation, and so on.

The forms can then be linked to specific interactions and filled out by managers, coaches, employees, or a Generative AI (GenAI).

Both managers and employees can easily track the results through a dashboard. This makes it easy to see what employees are already doing well and which areas need development.


Benefits of the tool

Increased customer satisfaction
Identify your areas for improvement and act on insights.

Start with our customer survey functionality and add coaching – or vice versa.

Increased focus on customers
Conduct customer surveys via phone, SMS, email, and chat.

Deeper understanding
Get a better understanding of what your customers are more or less satisfied with.

Positive energy in customer service
Customer service agents receive automatic positive feedback on everything they do well, which makes their day more enjoyable.

Elevate the status of customer service internally
Visualize insights that are valuable for the entire company.


Indicate me visits Ving

Learn to see from the customer’s perspective to increase customer satisfaction.

In this video, Lina Bjelkmar, CEO of Indicate me, shares the story of an agent at Ving who went above and beyond to assist a wheelchair-bound customer.


More tools for customer service

Optimization of time

With our features, you’ll have complete control over where time is spent in customer service.


Are you ready to discover Indicate me?

Send us a message using the web form or call or e-mail us directly and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.